Addressing Concerns & Complaints
Parents and guardians enjoy great relationships with their student's teachers, principals, and other professionals at school. But sometimes questions or concerns arise. When this happens, what should you do?
Communicate Respectfully
Yelling, name-calling, and cursing doesn't accomplish anything. Actively listen (all parties will be heard), calmly discuss your concerns, speak one at a time, and work together to seek a mutually-beneficial resolution. Remember that everyone has the same goal: your student's best interests and those of all the students in the school.
Start at the lowest level.
If you have a concern, first try to resolve it by discussing the situation directly with your student's teacher, counselor, nurse, or other professional. Disputes and misunderstandings are often best resolved in person. Often, misunderstandings can be cleared up or issues addressed through a courteous conversation at the school level.
If the issue isn't resolved, talk to a school administrator.
Some concerns can't be resolved with school staff, and in this case you should schedule a meeting to discuss the situation with your school's assistant principal.
Grades 6-12: Cynthia Swanson Grades K-5: Angela Griego PreK: Teresa Ogas
District Administration
If, after discussing the situation with the school administrator, you still feel there has not been a satisfactory resolution, you may refer the complaint to the district level. You may schedule a meeting with the District Principal or Superintendent by calling the school and scheduling a meeting.
Model Appropriate Behavior
Young people learn how to handle real-life situations from the behavior exhibited by the adults around them. This process provides a framework parents can use to teach their children courteous, respectful, and effective ways to resolve conflicts.
School of Dreams Academy will comply with 6.10.3 NMAC. Individuals or organization should submit complaints in writing to the appropriate staff member, administrator, or Governing Council Chair as described above, and the complaint should contain the necessary information as indicated in 6.10.3 NMAC. The Administration will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint as required in 6.10.3 NMAC and will provide timely written updates and copies of any and all correspondence related to the complaint to the Governing Council Chair. The Governing Council will address all programmatic complaints and complaints against the Superintendent. All other complaints with follow the necessary structural chain of command. The Governing Council Chair will involve the Governing Council for purposes for responding to and resolving the complaint if the complaint is against the Superintendent, if there is any potential conflict of interest related to the Superintendent, or for any other reason. Prior to the start of each school year, the Governing Council will review and approve the Complaint Procedures for the coming school year.
The Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression is a resource created by the Black Education Act (House Bill 43) that is available for students, families, staff, community members, and any stakeholders to report school-based incidents of racism, injustice, or discrimination against anyone.
Students, families and community members can report school-based incidents of racism to the Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression Hotline. There are 3 ways to report:
Online form:
Phone: 833-485-1335