About Us

The School of Dreams Academy (SODA) is a New Mexico state authorized charter school, nationally accredited through Advanced Ed. School of Dreams Academy was recently rated nationally by niche.com, who nationally ranks public and private schools under the direction of Carnegie Mellon University. Niche.com was founded in 2002, providing students, families, and professionals with the best-in-class content and deep insight into big life decisions. Niche.com ranked SODA amongst the best charter high schools and college readiness programs in the country.

We offer quality, research-based core academic program with focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) that is enhanced by several virtual learning programs. As such, we have evolved from the concept of online learning programs (E2020 now Imagine Learning) to one in which we use the repository of information (videos, primary sources, quizzes, tests, lectures, journals, etc) with support programs and teacher created projects to create a blended module that fits our student’s diverse needs.

Our Mission

The MISSION of School of Dreams Academy is to provide state of-the-art education emphasizing Career and College Readiness and Community Service through a STEAM instructional model for students of the Rio Grande Valley.

Our Vision

The VISION of School of Dreams Academy is to stand as the Rio Grande's pillar of student achievement, character, and success!

School Of Dreams Academy offers quality programs PreK through 12th grade. Students in Elementary and Middle School receive STEAM instruction as well as a full Dual Language Bilingual program.  SODA is also a designated Early College High School meaning students grades 9 – 12 have the opportunity to take Dual Credit courses with the potential of earning an Associates Degree by the time they graduate high school. All students, including English Language Learners (ELL) and those requiring special education and related services, have the benefit of an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) designed to address their specific needs and to meet their individual goals within the learning spectrum.

The School of Dreams Academy does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, national origin, ability level, or age. The focus of our school is to enhance student achievement through a rigorous curriculum aligned with the common core standards and utilization of instruction in a strong STEAM environment including character education, and community involvement through various service learning opportunities.


  • Michael S Ogas, Superintendent and Co-Founder

  • Teresa A Ogas, Preschool Coordinator, Speech Language Pathologist and Co-Founder

  • Cynthia Swanson, Secondary Vice Principal

  • Angela Griego, Elementary Vice-Principal

  • Justin Salada, Elementary Vice-Principal

  • Donna Thomas, Business Manager / Human Resources

  • Jacob Omlar, Elementary School Counselor

  • Cynthia Sandoval, Nurse

Call 505.866.SODA (7632) for more information


The School of Dreams Education Foundation (SODEF) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation established in 2013.

SODEF is governed by a volunteer board and operates solely for the purpose of supporting or benefiting the School of Dreams Academy. We support the School of Dreams Academy through direct grants, school activities, and by raising funds for academic and achievement scholarships.

For more information regarding the School of Dreams Education Foundation contact:

Paula Jean Corral (President): pjwalker@sodacharter.com


School of Dreams Academy is looking for fun, unique and energetic educators to add to our team!
If you’re a dynamic teacher who thrives in a fast-paced, adrenaline infused environment where you’ll be surrounded by caring, genius minds, and a platform to change the world, then this is the place for you!

We are looking for creative, experienced, and dedicated Pre K through 12th grade school teachers who are excited about STEAM, hands on learning, and designing a 21st century curriculum.

Please visit Employment Opportunities for job openings.

Positions available until filled. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Benefits include competitive compensation package including insurance benefits through the NM Public School Insurance Authority https://nmpsia.com/insurance.html.
For information on position openings call 505-866-SODA (7632) or email djarvis@sodacharter.com
Please include a current resume and any additional info that lets us know more about you employment history and position you are seeking with our school. You’ll receive an email letting you know your submission was received.

Let’s change the world!
The School of Dreams Academy Team