A Letter from the Superintendent

A Letter from the Superintendent

August 05, 2024

Dear Secondary Parent(s) and Guardian(s):

Welcome back for those of you who are returning and WELCOME to our new students and families. We are happy to be working with your students for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. This school year is poised to be one of our best years ever as we are offering several new and exciting programs and opportunities for secondary students. Our primary goal is to focus on improving student proficiency in language arts, math, science, and history while assisting students in setting goals and documenting their progress in their Individualized Learning Plans. We have also spent the summer developing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports that tracks student attendance, behavior, and coursework (ABC’s) so that we can provide “real time” information and work directly with students who may need additional support in any of those areas. Our student advisory classes will also look a little different. At the middle school we are moving to a 2 ½ hr. homeroom block that will provide more consistency and targeted work on academics and career interest exploration. Advisory in grades 9 – 12 will also have a more purposeful feel in that students will spend more time working on their ILP’s and working on grade level activities including service learning projects. 

Join us this Wednesday night (8/7/24) from 5:30 till 7:00 pm as we hold an Open House at the DFI Park Community Center Building. Here you will learn more about the new initiatives, mentioned above, as well as meet your students’ teachers and advisors. Pizza will be served. I am eager to hear your thoughts, ideas, and any questions you might have. Our goal is to work together to create the best possible experience for your children.

Michael S. Ogas, Superintendent and Founder


  (505)866-7632 Ext. 182